Team Terrible is a UK based Game Developer located in Dundee, Scotland. They are most well known for their title; The Baby in Yellow, which was created as part of the Game Makers Toolkit 2020 Game Jam the theme of which was “Out of Control”. After uploading it to the game found overnight success with many YouTubers and content creators playing the game and making videos on it.

Upon realizing the games popularity the creators worked to get a version of the game up and running on mobile devices in order to make it much more accessible to the audience wanting to play it. As of writing The Baby in Yellow now has over 200 million downloads across PC and Mobile platforms since it was first properly released in 2021.
The premise of The Baby in Yellow is that of a Lovecraftian themed single-player horror game where the player takes on the role of babysitters tasked with caring for a rather peculiar baby clad in yellow. Night after night the player is introduced to more strange and unexplainable goings-on with the titular baby at the center of the madness. With the release of the biggest and latest update; The Black Cat, things get even weirder with the player transported to a secret laboratory where a group of scientists have been conducting out of this world experiments.